Just wanted to say thanks for following me, I will always remember every single follow, comment and message. As a very shy and self-critical (maybe even anxious) person the idea of putting my work out there under the eye (ears actually) of the entire internet was unthinkable, but my will to progress and improve allowed me to overcome that. Your criticism helps me improve, you may not think of it that way, but you're contributing to my work in some sort, and I would be a stagnating delusional producer without you.
My 5 year anniversary is a month away, I think I will do something special to thank you and this legendary website (that is actually older than me too), any ideas ? Hit me up on Discord if you'd like to chat, I have loads of free time now : Sawan#8202.
But to think 5 whole years have passed is really something, I'll have to thank my childhood friend Wombart for inciting me to join as it's very easy to get feedback in here, which is true. He's a developer and game maker, make sure to check out his projects !
I'm thinking about streaming on Twitch, but I have no idea what to broadcast, as I don't game much (Genshin Impact or LoL with friends, that's it).
Thank you !!!!!